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iHP Tool is a freeware windows application for the iRiver iHP100 and iHP120 MP3 players.
( Features - Download - Screenshot - History )
You are using this sofware at your own risk. There are reports of devices not starting anymore after creating a new database. If this is related to this software is not clear.
It works for me, but it might not work for you. This software is not based on any official documentation, so there might be bugs.
- Load all songs into a treeview for easy selection
- Creates the iRivNavi.iDB from the selected files reading the song information
- Supports id3v1, id2v2, ogg and wma song information (artist, album, title, genre)
- Lists alls songs without tags or a too long filename (>52)
- Create and manage .m3u playlists
- Add and sort songs in playlists using drag & drop
- Easy intuitive user interface
- No setup, just copy the ihptool.exe (you can even run it directly from the iHP disk)
iHP Tool V1.3 (21/03/2004).
03/21/2004 V1.3
- BugFix: Reading WMA tags
- BugFix: Reverse order in Drag&Drop of folders in playlists
- New: Autodetect correct drive (for running iHP tool directly from the iHP disk on different computers)
- New: Menu "Sort Tree"
- New: "Do NOT write" option, for testing
12/06/2003 V1.2 Beta
- New: Warning about using ihp tool
- New: Warning about disconnecting without disabling the device
- New: Limit tag text length (to prevent problems)
- New: Add some 0 at end of database (to prevent problems)
- New: Replace empty tags with "???" (to prevent problems)
- New: Remove unknown special letters in tags (to prevent problems)
- New: Create longfilename.m3u and notag.m3u
- New: Mapping numbered id3v2 genre tags to text
- New: Random option for playlists
11/23/2003 V1.12 Beta
- BugFix: more than 9999 songs
- BugFix: selecting songs with space
- BugFix: exception on songs with empty id3v2 artist tag
- BugFix: folders without songs
- New: program icon (thanks to Rob)
- New: better handle exceptions when reading tags
11/23/2003 V1.1 Beta
- BugFix: assertion error on start
- New: wma support
- New: creating and managing playlists
- New: Optionally list succesfully added songs with all song data
11/22/2003 V1.0 Beta
© 1999-2005 by Jens Rupp http://www.gacel.de jens@gacel.de 20. July 2005